If there is any other links or information you believe we should add to this list please let us know.
This is a list of petition sites, please DO NOT donate to Change.org. The “donate” option is for the website itself and not for the cause. We have provided a list of places to donate to help the movement (Scroll down to the “Donate” section).
Minneapolis Mayor, Jacob Frey (612) 673-2100
District Attorney, Mike Freeman (612) 673-3074
Louisville Mayor, Greg Fischer (502) 574-2003
Governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz (612) 201-3400
Minneapolis PD (612) 673-3000
MPD of Internal Affairs (612) 673-3074
Minneapolis Police Chief, Medaria Arradondo (612) 673-3550
Minneapolis Dept of Civil Rights (612) 348-3550
Hennepin County Sheriff, Dave Hutchinson (612) 348-3744
City of Minneapolis PDpolice@minneapolismn.gov
Office of Police Conduct Reviewpolicereview@minneapolismn.gov
Minneapolis 311minneapolis311@minneapolismn.gov
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